All praise be to Jesus Christ for calling the Apostles and founding the Church many centuries ago, and for the many faithful clergy and Christians who have passed on their beloved faith to the heartfelt people of St. Joseph's Parish.
While beginning as a station to which the priests from outside the region would come and visit, St. Joseph's soon became a mission on October 16, 1901 with Fr. Joseph J. Raith of Minot as its pastor. Overseeing the construction of the first church---a small 30 by 50 foot building located on the Southeast corner of Broadway and 2nd Avenue East and which contained the 1904 brick seen in the rear of the present church---Fr. Raith was enthused as the new flock grew and congregated to receive the sacraments during his time as pastor.
In July of 1907, St. Joseph's was elevated to canonical parish status with its own resident priest, Fr. S.J. Arsenault of the Diocese of Fargo. A short three years later, a new pastor arrived---Fr. Edward P. O'Neill---on account of the declining health of Fr. Arsenault, who decided to move to Seattle, Washington in hope for better health.
Owing to the work of St. Joseph's first three pastors, the small church structure became too small to house the growing parish community. Thus, at the direction of Fr. O'Neill, the second church building was erected in 1917 (see picture to the left), and the altar was consecrated on May 30, 1918 by Bishop Vincent Wehrle, the first bishop of Bismarck. Since then, two more churches have been build: the 1976 church, which burned down on the cold night of January 5, 1980; and the present 1981 church, which contains the famous "sunburst" pattern in the sanctuary.
With thirteen pastors and multiple faithful parishioners since its founding, St. Joseph's Parish continues to be a beacon for the Catholics of Williston. Amidst the hustle and bustle of a city experiencing explosive growth, the church is nurtured by the life of faith, continuing to bring Jesus Christ to thirsting souls. Amidst some of the challenges in the area, there are also immense blessings and exciting opportunities for our community. St. Joseph Parish continues to thrive and is filled with gratitude for all the gifts God has given throughout the years.