At St. Joseph's Parish, we have several groups that aim to help adults grow in their faith and their personal relationship with God. Check out our opportunities for formation in prayer, catechesis, and evangelization.
Men's Group
Men gather at 5:45 am every Wednesday in O'Neill Hall for discussions about faith, truth, the Church, and living as a Catholic Christian man.
Contact: Fr. Paul Eberle 701-572-6731
Women's Study Group
Women of any age gather for bible study every Thursday, beginning September 7th, in the Parish Life Center at 7:00 pm.
Contact Mary Minwagen (701) 799-0663 or Katie Monson 920-851-8287
Spanish Women's Group
Hispanic women gather every Friday during the school year at 9 am at Parish Life Center for spiritual and human growth through talks and discussions.
Contact: Sister Adela 701-339-5625
Magnificat Moms
Moms gather on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7-9 pm at the Parish Life Center for spiritual nourishment and fellowship.
Contact: Priscilla Morris 701-770-4356
Though OCIA is oriented toward those who are coming into the Catholic Church, any Catholics may sit in and learn more about their Catholic faith. OCIA is Thursday nights from 6:20-8:00 pm in O'Neill Hall during the school year. Click here for more information, or contact the parish office at 701-572-6731
Check out more faith resources on our diocesan website.
"Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ." - St. Jerome, Father & Doctor of the Church