If you would like to have your child baptized at one of our parishes, we recommend you contact us prior to the birth of the child so you have adequate time to prepare for the Baptism of your child. Please contact the Director of Religious Education at the parish office (701) 572-6731 as well as submit the following form:
Baptism Information Form
When to Baptize
Baptism marks the beginning of a life lived as a child of God, and no person can enter heaven without the grace of baptism. Therefore, the Catholic Church stresses the importance of having a child baptized as soon as possible after birth, as soon as it can safely be carried to the Church. Baptism is a gift of which we do not wish to deprive anyone. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states,
"Born with a fallen human nature and tainted by original sin, children also have need of the new birth in baptism to be freed from the power of darkness and brought into the realm of the freedom of the children of God, to which all men are called. The sheer gratuitousness of the grace of salvation is particularly manifest in infant baptism. The Church and the parents would deny a child the priceless grace of becoming a child of God were they not to confer baptism shortly after birth (CCC 1250)."
A child's life is fragile and should never be taken for granted; therefore, one should not delay baptism merely for a reason of waiting until every family member can make it to the baptism, etc.
Baptism Preparation
The expectancy is that you are living a Catholic life, going to Sunday Mass and regularly receiving the Sacrament of confession so as to provide a Catholic faith foundation for your child. If this is not currently present in your life, know that God is calling you to this and we wish to assist you in every way possible to make this happen.
For an infant or child baptism (below age 7), there is usually one baptism class with the parents. You may ask for more meetings if you would like to learn more about the Catholic faith.
For a youth baptism (under age 14) there are a number of classes that the youth needs to attend.
For an adult baptism (14 and older) there are a series of classes one needs to attend so as to have the best preparation possible. The individual will also receive first Holy Communion and Confirmation at the same time. See the tab Becoming Catholic / RCIA under Faith Formation for more information.
When is baptism celebrated?
Baptism is normally celebrated at our parishes on Sunday or its Vigil (Saturday Evening) either within the Mass or after the Mass.
Who may I pick as godparents?
The person receiving baptism is asked to have at least one
godparent/sponsor who is Catholic. To be a godparent one must fulfill the requirements below. Each godparent will also be asked to state in writing that he/she meets these requirements. Click here for the form: Godparent Affidavit
If one chooses, there may be two Catholic sponsors, one male and one female, but not more than two sponsors. If there are two sponsors, both must meet the requirements mentioned above. It is each sponsor’s duty to help the parents raise the child in practicing the Catholic faith. The Church does not allow someone to be a sponsor who does not meet these requirements since they cannot pass on what they themselves do not practice or believe.
If for some reason the sponsor(s) is unable to attend the baptismal liturgy or ceremony, another adult may stand in as a proxy for the sponsor. The proxy has no requirements, but must be older than 16 years of age.
It is also possible that a baptized Christian who is not a baptized Catholic can take part in the baptismal liturgy if there is only one sponsor. He/she must be of the opposite sex of the sponsor. Speak to the baptismal coordinator regarding this.
Instead of a godparent class, we provide a godparent informational video that can be accessed through formed.org. Following the viewing of this video, godparents must answer and turn in a brief questionnaire on the video.
If you have any questions call the parish at 701-572-6731