In less than 24 hours we will be leaving for Kenya. It's been a busy week with getting everything in order as well as saying the many goodbyes. It is hard to leave but we are looking forward to joining Fr.David Morman at the Mission to work with the orphans. We are scheduled to arrive in Kenya around 9:30 pm on Tuesday which would be 12:30 pm here (Kenya is 9 hours ahead). We will spend a day in Nairobi before returning to the Mission on Thursday. The drive is approximately 180 miles and takes around 6 hours. Once we return to the Mission house and get somewhat unpacked, we will post a blog to give an update of our travels. Our goal is to post a blog and some pictures at least once a week for those who wish to follow our journey and learn more about what our diocese does to support the orphans. We are very grateful for the words of support and most of all the promise of prayers. Know that you will be kept in our prayers as well. We are trading the white ground here for the green as seen in the photo - this is what the area looks like near the Mission house.