Whether you are a baptized Catholic, a baptized Christian, or not baptized at all, St. Joseph’s parish invites you to partake in RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). Not many parishes are privileged to have their very own pastor teach these classes! Join Fr. Kovash in exploring some of the greatest depths of the Catholic faith! Classes started September 10th and are on most Thursday evenings, 6:20-8pm through April, 2021. Call the office (701) 572-6731 if you have questions. The following topics will be discussed: what we believe in as Catholics, creation, the existence of God, the role of Scripture in our Faith, sin and its consequences, how to pray, what is prayer, what are the Sacraments, why we go to confession, marriage and the priesthood, contraception and homosexuality, death and the afterlife, purgatory, salvation, and justification, Mary and the Saints, and the Eucharist. Register here: