These current times have brought forth great societal disruption. Our routines have changed, and this extends to the practice of our faith. Even without physical access to daily and weekend Masses, we are deeply edified by so many of you, the faithful, who continue to persevere in the faith during this challenging and unprecedented time.
We are deeply grateful for your continued financial support in recognition of the operational needs of the parish. Despite the ongoing closure of the church building for regular Mass celebrations, many of you go out of your way to drop off your donation envelopes with the parish office or send it through the mail. We are also fortunate that there has been an increase in electronic donations through our EFT and on-line giving media.
In addition to your regular donation envelopes, there are two ways by which you can continue to make your contributions, both of which are accessible through the website:
Parish E-Giving – can be initiated from the site header at the very top of the homepage. Clicking that link will open a page with instructions and options when you wish to make contributions using your debit or credit cards.
EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) Enrollment – this is a physical (paper) form which needs to be printed, filled, and submitted to the parish office. This is found under the Resources tab, click on Forms, and the printable page is at the bottom of the sub page labeled Electronic Offertory.
A few important notes regarding Parish E-Giving and EFT: Both have bank level security and encryption and have been used by our parish for many years. With EFT, a direct money transfer is made between your bank checking account and the parish’s bank account, and your contribution will be reported at face value. This means no fees will be assessed that affects the amount of your contribution. You can choose between either the 5th or the 20th, or if preferred, both dates to make recurring transfers. The total offertories for those dates are reported in the following week’s Financial Stewardship report in the parish bulletin and website. With E-Giving, you may contribute at any time, any date. It could be a recurring date and amount, or it could be a one-time gift. This is considered a card (debit/credit) transaction, and since this process is like a merchant payment, it has a longer clearing period than the EFT. There will be instances when contributions made may not be reported in the bulletin until the week following the transaction. Our office is open during regular business hours during this period. If you have questions regarding this matter, please call the business office and Ray will be happy to assist you.
May God bless your richly for your ongoing support of our parish!!
Fr. Russell Kovash, Pastor Ray Urbi – Business Manager