Altar Servers
Children who have made their First Holy Communion and are in 2nd grade or older can assist the priest at Mass.
Contact: Emily Monson 701-572-6384
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
They have the extraordinary task of helping the priest and deacon distribute the Body and Blood of Christ.
Contact: Katie Monson 920-851-8287
Responsible for creating a hospitable environment, greeters cheerfully welcome parishioners and visitors. During Mass, the greeters carry forward the offertory gifts, and after Mass, they hand out bulletins.
Contact: Kathy Ahmann 701-572-9076
Lectors proclaim the Word of God during the Liturgy of the Word. They also read the prayers of the faithful.
Contact: Katie Monson 920-851-8287
The organists, pianists, instrumentalists, choir members, and cantors enhance the prayerfulness of the liturgy with their musical gifts and lead the congregation in song.
Contact: Emily Driscoll
Ushers assist with offertory collections and when necessary, provide assistance with seating members of the congregation.
Contact: Dale Luther 701-572-3228