Another busy week here at the Mission. We held two Water with Blessings trainings, we took another orphan to the daktari (doctor), did our weekly chores including laundry in between short rains, cleaned the weedy flowerbeds along with a few other projects. Work continues at the new shamba with the barn and caretaker house almost done. Construction on the Mission house continues as well with all of the work done by hand so far - no machines. Fr. David's favorite saying "everyday is an adventure here" is so true!
Another interesting week here at the Mission. We held two Water with Blessings trainings at a village called Mongorisi. We also had follow ups and delivered water drums to nine women. Kathy drove in Kisii on Market Day and was pulled over by a "county official" and it was quite the experience! And finally the new shamba is taking shape - the caretaker house is close to completion, the barn is almost finished and this week, the foundation for the Mission house was started. The photo is of Agatha which was taken on the day her grandmother attended a WWB training.
This past week we put on a lot of miles. At the beginning of the week we made our first trip alone to Nairobi to go to Immigration for our National ID cards. We also delivered water barrels to the women in the Water with Blessings program and attended seven follow-ups. The photo was taken on one of our home visits. The woman's name is Rose and she is sitting in her nyumba (house) talking to us as she was peeling a potato.
You have a choice this Advent: Get caught up in the annual rush of shopping, decorating, and parties, or slow down and take a few minutes each day to remember who this season is really about-Jesus.
Life at the Mission has been good and we keep busy with various projects and activities. The photo was taken on one of the visits made to the mama maji (water woman) where we check to see that the filter is still being used and cared for properly. The mtoto (child) is a one month old baby girl named Elvin.