Another full week of different activities. "Every day is an adventure" is a statement made by Fr. David quite often and it truly does describe our days here in Kenya. Check out the photo album to get a glimpse of our week including a cow checking out the church! Photo to left is of mtoto (child) at a WWB follow-up at Enchoro
Barb Cook was a long time member of St. Joseph's Catholic Church and Catholic Daughters of the Americas - St. Therese. Many of us remember Barb for her kindness, compassion, spunk and genuinely being a good person. Priors to Barb's death 2020, she was the local CDA Regent and in this capacity she organized a "Baby Shower" to collect items for programs who serve young mothers. Items will be collected at the weekend and Monday evening masses on June 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13. During the week items can be dropped off at the parish office. If you need an item picked up please call (701) 570-2857 to arrange a pickup time.
Another busy week of getting orientated to the workings of the Mission. Slowly, we are getting a grasp on the many responsibilities Fr. David has with the Mission itself in addition to saying daily Mass and three weekend Masses at the Outstations. The photo was taken at a Water with Blessing follow-up.
"Hatua kwa Hatua" is a Kiswahili saying that translates to "Step by Step". We continue to learn about the various programs in the Mission and how they operate. We also strive to learn from the people who live here and to live as they do: with a deep sense of gratitude to God and joy in spite of the hardships and poverty that is a part of their daily lives. We have much to learn...hatua kwa hatua. The photo is of Virginia, one of many orphans enrolled in the program.
Faraha Siku ya Mama (Happy Mother's Day)! Wishing all moms everywhere a very special and blessed day. Check out the photo album for some interesting photos including a mbuzi (goat) riding a Pikipiki! Photo shown is of Adrian, a six month old mtoto (child) we took care of at one of the Water with Blessings Follow-ups.
It was another busy and interesting week at the Mission. We had Water with Blessings follow-ups, Mission Saturday with some of the orphans and we did some Spring cleaning! Each day gives one the opportunity to reflect on life here and the many blessings we take for granted living in America. The beautiful child in photo came with her Bibi (Grandmother) to a WWB follow-up. Her name is Precious and in her hand is her personal jug of chai (tea)!