This past week we kept busy with Water with Blessings follow ups and delivered 210 liter water drums to 45 women at Mosobeti. We also took orphans on two different days to Kisii for medical appointments and Wes and Janet went out to visit and spray some of the heifers in the Heifer Program. The photo is of a mtoto (child) taken at one of the WWB follow ups.
This past week we held a Water with Blessing's training, made visits with the Heifer Program, held Mission Saturday, made a few trips to the new shamba to check on the progress of the house, took an orphan for physical therapy, and finally took a day trip to Tabaka to show Kaleb, the seminarian, a different part of the area and to purchase a few soapstone souvenirs. The photo is of Kaleb and some of the regulars that come to our porch for "sweeties".
This past week we were in Nairobi to pick up Kaleb, a seminarian from the Diocese of Helena, Montana. He will be staying with us here at the Mission for the month of July. We also went to Nairobi to pick out tiles for floors and walls for the new house. We had three Water with Blessings follow ups this past week, took a couple of orphans to the clinic for check ups and had Mission Saturday at Gekano and Ichuni. The photo is of a young girl and her brother at one of the follow ups. The little boy was so scared of the mzungu so he would not look though Kathy did catch him looking and got a photo!
This past week, we held Water with Blessings follow ups, made unsuccessful trips to the bank on two different days, made visits to the shamba to check on the progress, and cleaned house in preparation for Kaleb, a seminarian, who is staying with us at the Mission for the month of July. It was also an exciting week in that Blessings, one of the heifers the Mission awarded to a family in May, gave birth to a calf. The best part is she gave birth to a female calf which when old enough will be awarded to another family. The family named the new calf Jessie!