Our time in Kenya has come to an end and with that comes mixed emotions. The past three years have been a rewarding experience and a time that has left an indelible mark on our hearts meeting people we will never forget especially the beautiful children. We hope our blogs have given a glimpse into the work of the Mission, the good it does, and the hope it provides to many. We also hope your hearts were touched by the people you came to read about and see through the stories and pictures. We are grateful to all who support the work of the Mission and we know the people of Kenya are grateful as well. The photo is of a brother and sister taken on Mission Saturday where they receive a small stipend and ration of maize.
Our last blog was in April and a lot has happened in that time. Wes and Fr. David moved into the new house last week and the gathering space along with other projects around the shamba are on-going. The picture is of Wes and Mary who is the daughter of Robert, our caretaker at the new shamba. If you cannot view the photos, see instructions at the end of the article.
This past week we were making home visits and conducting two trainings for the Water with Blessings Program. We also spent two days in Kisii taking orphans to medical appointments. Work continues at the new house and hopefully it will be completed in the next few months. The photo is of one of the mamas who received a water filter and bucket at Kiamwarimu.
This past week was spent conducting Water with Blessings home visits and follow ups as well as time in medical facilities. This was also the first time where boiled mayai (eggs) were distributed on Mission Saturday. The generous donor who gave money to purchase kuku (chickens) wanted the children to have another source of protein in their diet. The kuku will have to ramp up their production in order to have approximately 150-175 mayai every week of Mission Saturday! The photo is of three brothers holding their yai (egg) they received on Mission Saturday at Manga.
This past week we kept busy with home visits for the Water with Blessings Program. We also got caught up on laundry from when we had visitors. Mission Saturday was held at Ichuni and here at Gekano. The photo is of a cute couple who have been married 51 years! We met them during one of the home visits. Their names are Sabina and Joseph.
For the past couple of weeks, our sons, Aaron and Nathan, have been here in Kenya. They made the long 8,318 mile trek from ND to Kenya to spend time with us. While here, we visited Tabaka which is famous for its soapstone, went to the Equator near Kisumu, golfed in Kisii, went on a safari to the Maasai Mara, etc. We also spent time around the Mission and the new shamba, conducted a Water with Blessings training, participated in Mission Saturdays, and visited a couple of families who were the recipients of a heifer through the Heifer Program. It was hard to say good-by to our sons but we are most grateful for the time we had together in this beautiful country.
This past week was busy with numerous activities from Water with Blessings home visits and follow ups, medical appointments for the orphans, and Mission Saturday. The photo is of a little boy that greeted us when we got to Mongorisi to make home visits. Upon exiting from the car, Jayden, wanted to hold Wes's hand.
Another busy week at the Mission with paying school fees since the new school year starts next week, hosting a seminar for Form 4 students that graduated in December, home visits for the water filter program and taking orphans for medical appointments. The photo is of a young couple and their child - it was taken during a home visit.
Heri ya mwaka mpya (Happy New Year)! This past week we kept occupied with delivering 57 water drums to the mamas at two different locations, making home visits for the water filter program, visiting the orphans who received heifers as well as spraying the animals for ticks. We also took orphans for medical appointments - it was a busy week. The photo is of some of the mamas who received a water drum at Nyasumi.
This past week we made a trip to Kisumu to buy things for the house including a washing machine which Kathy is very happy about! We also had Mission Saturday and the Christmas gatherings on two separate days for the orphans at Ichuni, Manga, and Gekano. The children received flour, cooking oil, and a chicken for their gift. We made home visits for the Water with Blessings program and held a training. The photo is of Briana who is one year old - it was taken at the WWB training.
This past week was another busy one with having something to do or a place to be every day of the week. We had Water with Blessings home visits, delivered blankets to 50 mamas, follow ups and trained 13 women. We took orphans for medical appointments as well. On Saturday we gave away more kuku (chickens) to the orphans - their Christmas gift from a generous donor to the Mission. The children were very happy when they saw what they were getting. The photo was taken at Gekano shortly after this orphan received her kuku.
This past week was a busy one not to mention that some days were quite the adventure! On Mission Saturday each orphan was given a kuku (chicken) as part of their Christmas present. A generous donor to the Mission wanted every child to receive a kuku and to be able to have meat on their table at Christmas. The children were excited and very grateful for the gift. The photo is of Gilbert, one of the orphans. It was taken on Mission Saturday after he received his kuku!
This past week was our first full week back at the Mission after having been in the US. It was a busy week with Water with Blessings home visits, taking an orphan to PT, Wellness Seminars for the orphans on two different days, Wes going out with Janet for the Heifer program, laundry, weeding, etc. The photo is of Jelliah and Joyce enjoying their treat at the Wellness Seminar. They are sisters and the newest enrollees in the program having been enrolled only a few months ago.
We returned to Kenya this past week. It was a long journey but we are grateful for having arrived safely. We held a Water with Blessings training on Thursday and on Saturday we had Mission Saturday here at Gekano. The photo, taken at the WWB training, is of one of the mamas with her six month old twins. At this training there were two sets of twins (see photos in photo album).
We arrived home in early September and will be here a few more weeks (see story). The work of the Mission back in Kenya continues as well as progress made in the new house. The carpenters continue to build and install the cabinets and glass installed in all the windows. The photo taken is one of the many beautiful ND sunsets we have been able to see while we've been home.
This past week we made home visits for the Heifer and Water with Blessings programs. We delivered 50 water drums to women who qualified. We kept busy with work around the Mission including trips to the new shamba. This week we picked out the cabinetry (color) which will be built on site. On Thursday of this week, we leave for ND and are excited to be coming home for a month to spend time with family and friends. The photo was taken when delivering water drums.
This past week was another busy one from making home visits for the Water with Blessings Program, home visits for the Heifer Program, Mission Saturday at Manga and Gekano and on Friday we attended Emma and Vincent's wedding - Emma works for the Mission. It was our first wedding we've attended while in Kenya and a memorable one. The photo is of a young girl taken when doing home visits for Water with Blessings.
This past week was a busy one with taking orphans to doctor appointments, Water with Blessings follow ups and home visits, as well as Mission Saturday. The new house at the shamba is coming along and maybe by fall we will be starting to move in. The photo of the mtoto (child) sitting on his mama's lap was taken at one of the Water with Blessings follow ups.
The past two weeks have been busy ones with us going on a short road-trip to show Kaleb, the seminarian who has been with us for the past month, a little bit of Kenya and he then flying back to Rome to continue his studies. We continued our Water with Blessings visits and follow ups as well as other activities around the Mission. The photo is of Wes and Osongo - the teacher and the student! Wes was helping Osongo write his numbers and ABC's!
This past week we kept busy with Water with Blessings follow ups and delivered 210 liter water drums to 45 women at Mosobeti. We also took orphans on two different days to Kisii for medical appointments and Wes and Janet went out to visit and spray some of the heifers in the Heifer Program. The photo is of a mtoto (child) taken at one of the WWB follow ups.