Altar Society (women)
Every woman of St. Joseph’s Church belongs to the general Altar Society, which collects dues and does an annual fundraiser to provide service to the parish. Among these services include the purchasing of altar bread, wine, and candles and serving funeral luncheons. The general Altar Society is divided into several Altar Bands that do their own service projects.
Contact: Beth Johnson 701-572-1118
Banquet West
St. Joseph's Parish assists First Lutheran Church with Banquet West, serving food to people in need on Sunday evenings.
Contact: Dwight Richter 701-572-4185
Catholic Daughters (women)
This group is the largest national organization of Catholic women, and it is dedicated to strengthening the spiritual life through Christ and his Church.
Contact: Wendy Paryzek 701-774-3744
Saint Vincent de Paul / Good Samaritan
Our parish assists people in need of gas, medication, shelter, phone cards, and other needs. On the second Sunday of each month, food donations may be placed in the wooden box at the church’s north entrance to contribute to the Salvation Army food pantry.
Contact: 701-404-9986, Leave a message
Holy Communion to the Homebound
We are happy to bring Jesus Christ in Holy Communion to our sick, aged, and homebound parishioners who are unable to attend Mass.
Contact: Parish Office 701-572-6731
The Knights of Columbus (men)
This is the largest Catholic Fraternal service organization, and it provides its members and their families with volunteer opportunities to serve the church and community. Meetings are 7:30 pm every second Monday of the month in O'Neill Hall.
Contact: Aaron Monson 701-580-7794
Plant Committee
Share your green thumb with the parish by helping care for the many plants in the church.
Contact: Wendy Paryzek 701-774-3744